Services & Tools
Depending on the jurisdictions of the parties involved (as well as for best practice’s sake) the use of eSignatures can reduce legal uncertainties as to the validity of electronic documents. The following offer eSignature solutions for your consideration.
Adobe Sign
With Adobe Sign, you can transform manual processes into all-digital experiences and speed every transaction in every department. Whether it's a sales contract, an offer letter, or an application, you can move from maybe to definitely — faster, easier, anywhere, with Adobe Sign. |
WordPress Plugin - Get Contracts Signed using Your WordPress Website. |
DocuSign® is changing how business gets done by empowering more than 300,000 companies and 200 million users in 188 countries to sign, send and manage documents anytime, anywhere, on any device, with confidence. |
DropBox Sign
With Dropbox Sign, you can easily get contracts signed from anywhere, at any time. |
Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services (eIDAS)
The Regulation (EU) N°910/2014 ( on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS Regulation) was adopted by the co-legislators on 23 July 2014 and is a milestone to provide a predictable regulatory environment to enable secure and seamless electronic interactions between businesses, citizens and public authorities. |
Electronic Signature & Reports Association
The premier trade association focused on the advancement of electronic signatures and records. |
Identity for Everything - Making Certificate Management Easy for Businesses and Scaling Identity Solutions for Service Providers and IoT. |
OneSpan Sign Electronic Signature
Bring automation to your workflows with electronic signatures to improve customer experience, strengthen compliance, and eliminate costs related to paper-based processes. |
Trusted digital identity for a safer world. A simple solution for advanced electronic signatures with verified electronic identities across Europe. |
Traditionally our customers have been from the highly-regulated industries, who need high-trust, legal certainty and an on-premise solution. These are now joined by many thousands of smaller organisations who are benefiting from our SigningHub cloud service. |
Topaz Systems
Topaz Systems provides electronic signature solutions for digital documents, including complete software, tools, intellectual property, robust hardware pads, and lifetime support. Topaz® facilitates the “eSign Ecosystem®”, bringing together the widest range of integrated technology, intellectual property, distribution, reseller, technical support, service, and ISV 3rd-party application elements in the industry by a wide margin. |