Customs & Non-Tariff Barrier Information

The key international organisations and commercial service companies providing detailed information and solutions.

Data & Information
Access2Markets is the portal for EU exporters and importers to find detailed information on tariffs, rules of origin, taxes and additional duties, import procedures and formalities, product requirements, trade barriers, trade flow statistics as well as information on Trade Agreements. Tools which were added are ROSA, the Rules of Origin Self-Assessment Tool as well as A2P, the Access2Procurement questionnaire. All content previously on the Market Access Database is now on Access2Markets. With this 135 3rd countries for export and all counties for import are covered. More information on updates and copyright:
APEC Tariff Information
To obtain information on tariffs and rules of origin in APEC member economies use the link below: To access APEC’s Key Indicators Database (over 120 economic, social and environmental indicators) or the Bilateral Linkages Database (trade and investment flows between APEC economies) visit APEC Statistics:
Supported by China Customs Information Center and based on “serve economy and promote development”, aims to become a comprehensive and authoritative platform of customs information service, which comprises customs statistics release (the latest data, monthly report and trade index), multi-faceted news update and in-depth consultation over import-export data, etc.
Customs IQ
Brings Harmonized Tariff Schedules, Duty Rates and other relevant trade data right to your fingertips. Available online or as an integrated solution, Customs IQ works with your GTM, ERP, CRM and other business applications.
Descartes Customs Info
Helps businesses optimize Global Trade Management (GTM) systems and streamline global trade automation. We provide the world’s most comprehensive trade data repository delivered via web-based subscription, API web services or as data to populate any GTM or Landed Cost application.
EBTI - European Binding Tariff Information
Database for all binding tariff information that has been issued on request by customs of EU Member States.
ECICS - European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances
Customs database to identify chemicals and classify them in the combined nomenclature.
EORI - Validation Open Interface
You can launch a validation request by entering the EORI number and clicking 'Validate'
WTO Members are required to notify other Members before adopting new measures if these are likely to affect international trade and provide an opportunity for comments. ePing enables timely access to these notifications and facilitates dialogue amongst the public and private sector in addressing potential trade problems at an early stage.
EU CDS - Customs Decisions System
The central Customs Decisions System (CDS) is to be used for all applications and decisions which may have an impact in more than one Member State, and for any subsequent event which may affect the original application or decision (annulment, suspension, revocation, amendment).
EU Customs Offices Database
Database of customs offices in EU countries and countries of common transit procedure.
EU MRN follow-up – Movement Reference Number
Application to track goods in export via a Movement Reference Number
EU QUOTA - Tariff Quotas and Ceilings
Database for EU tariff quotas, including daily updated balances of tariff quotas applicable
EU REX - Registered Exporter system
The Registered Exporter system (the REX system) is the system of certification of origin of goods that applies in the Generalised System of Preference (GSP) of the European Union since 1 January 2017. It is based on a principle of self-certification by economic operators who will make out themselves so-called statements on origin. To be entitled to make out a statement on origin, an economic operator will have to be registered in a database by his competent authorities. The economic operator will become a "registered exporter".
EU Suspensions & Autonomous Tariff Suspensions
Information on suspensions both in force and in preparation as well as on quotas in preparation.
EU TRANSIT – Tracking goods in transit
The EUROPA webserver provides the data as received from the different IT environments of the different countries. The data provided is for information only and is binding neither for the Commission nor for the National Administrations concerned. For specific enquiries and information regarding the contents, please contact the Customs Administration of the appropriate country. (International movements only). MRN required.
FedEx World Tariff
Access up-to-date global trade tariff information at your fingertips and in English. WorldTariff helps you navigate the complexities of international trade easily and affordably.
Global Trade Alert
Provides timely information on state interventions taken since November 2008 that are likely to affect foreign commerce. It includes state interventions affecting trade in goods and services, foreign investment and labour force migration.
Export documentation that moves you forward. Global trade is going digital. And now you can too. IncoDocs delivers faster and more reliable export documentation, all in the cloud for your team to access on the go. Our document templates are used by shippers all over the world. Note the templates are aligned to UNLK recommendations for global trade, so they can be used for import/exports in all countries. We can also make custom document templates to suit your exact requirements.
ITC’s Rules of Origin Facilitator
Rules of Origin Facilitator provides user-friendly access to ITC’s database of rules of origin and origin provisions in trade agreements. Combined with the tariff and trade agreements databases that are continuously maintained by ITC’s Market Access Map since 2006, it results in a unique market intelligence synergy empowering companies to benefit from free trade agreements worldwide.
ITC's World Tariff Profiles 2022
This report was jointly prepared with the International Trade Centre, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and the World Trade Organization. It provides comprehensive information on the tariffs and non-tariff measures imposed by over 170 countries and customs territories.
TARIC - EU Customs Tariff
Multilingual database covering all measures relating to tariff, commercial and agricultural legislation for import and export.
WTO Tariff Download Facility
This database contains comprehensive information on Most- Favoured-Nation (MFN) applied and bound tariffs at the standard codes of the Harmonized System (HS) for all WTO Members. When available, it also provides data at the HS subheading level on non-MFN applied tariff regimes which a country grants to its export partners.

IMO - International Maritime Organization
IMO is the United Nations' specialized agency responsible for safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
International Federation of Customs Brokers Associations (IFCBA)
The IFCBA works to bring about improvements in Customs policies and practices on a global basis. These improvements benefit both customs brokers and their clients.The international trade community depends on the work done by customs brokers and the IFCBA serves customs brokers by keeping them at the centre of the international trading system. It is our mission to promote the value and use of customs brokers worldwide.
Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO)
World Customs Organization
An independent intergovernmental body whose mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs administrations.
World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

Software Solutions
ASYCUDA - Automated SYstem for CUstoms DAta
ASYCUDA is a computerised customs management system which covers most foreign trade procedures. The system handles manifests and customs declarations, accounting procedures, transit and suspense procedures. It generates trade data that can be used for statistical economic analysis. The ASYCUDA software is developed in Geneva by UNCTAD.
Avalara - Tariff Code Classification
Tariff codes and Harmonized System (HS) codes made easier with Avalara Tariff Code Classification From self-serve solutions to managed service, automate your tariff code classification process for fast and consistent results.
Customs and security management tools and electronic exchanges with customs administrations.
Complete Import and Export Management software solutions. Also offers concrete solutions for valuation, documentation, government reporting, special programs, process re-engineering, and records management, including audit, and duty recovery.
MIC is the worldwide leading provider of global customs and trade compliance software solutions.
World Integrated Trade Solution
Developed by the World Bank, the World Integrated Trade Solution. This software allows users to access and retrieve information on trade and tariffs: covering UNSD Commodity Trade, UNCTAD Trade Analysis Information System, WTO's Integrated Data Base and the Global Preferential Trade Agreements Database.